All our products go through strict quality control checks before being dispatched. However, should any item arrive faulty or in poor condition then we will exchange or provide a full refund upon the return of the goods. Faulty goods must be returned to Cheap Party Shop within 10 days of receipt to be eligible for a discount. The customer will need to bear the cost of returning the goods to Cheap Party Shop.
Customers can cancel their order and receive a full refund by phoning or notifying us by email up until the time the order is dipatched from our warehouse. If the order has already been dispatched then in order to receive a refund, the customer will be responsible for returning all goods to Cheap Party Shop in the same condition as they were sent, with any packaging undamaged so that they remain in a saleable condition. The customer will have to bear the postage cost of returning the goods and will not be refunded for the postage costs from where Cheap Party Shop sent the order out to them originally.
For cancelled orders or when returning unwanted goods, a £2 admin fee will be deducted from the amount to be refunded.
Any items to be returned should be sent recorded delivery to :-
Unit 4,83 - 95 Hainault Road
Collier Row
Please also include the original dispatch slip and make a note of the reason for return on it.